Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board is a government-authorized national assessment body established by an Act of parliament. It’s under the ministry of Education and Sports in Uganda. Established in 2008. 

UBTEB is mandated to streamline, regulate, coordinate, and conduct credible national examinations and award certificates and diplomas in Business, Technical, and vocational Education or training in Uganda. Its headquarters are located on plot 7, valley Drive, Ntinda, Kampala Uganda.

UBTEB aims to enhance the quality of technical and vocational education, ensuring that are graduates well-prepared for the job market and entrepreneurial ventures.


“A center of Excellence for competence-based assessment, examinations and awards for for a skilled and productive work force.


To conduct competency-based assessments and awards, TVET qualifications through collaborations with the world of work.

It focuses on assessing practical skills and applied knowledge.

It is the largest specialized and recognized Technical, Business, vocational, and specialized awarding body in Uganda.

UBTEB is currently headed by Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha as the board chairperson, Mr. Oyesigye Onesmus as Executive secretary and Dr. Nahamya Karukuza Wilfred as deputy Executive secretary examinations Board.

Strategic Objectives

  • To enhance assessment of demand driven TVET skills for a competent and ethical workforce.
  • To enhance competitiveness of TVET graduates in the local, regional and international markets
  • Organizational capacity for efficient and effective service delivery strengthened

UBTEB is mandated to perform the following functions:

  • Make rules regulating the conduct of the Examinations
  • Conduct business and technical Examinations for specialized training institutions in Uganda
  • Accredit theory and practical Examination centers used for the conduct of Examinations
  • Training assessors and invigilators to enhance examinations integrity

Awarding certificates and diplomas to successful candidates.UBTEB in fulfilment of its obligations, partners with; National council for Higher education, Uganda National Examinations Board, National council of Sports, Higher Education Students’ Financing Board, Education Service Commission and National Curriculum Development Centre

The Board has managed to register a number of achievements which include; successful integration of digital solutions in exam registration and result management, partnership with international examination boards to improve standards and capacity building for instructors and examiners to enhance teaching and assessment quality, Expansion of accredited Examination centers across the country.

Despite its achievements UBTEB faces a challenge of limited resources and infrastructures for some training institutions.

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