National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA)

The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) was established in May 1995.  

In line with the National Environment Management Act, No. 5 of 2019, NEMA is mandated with the responsibility of coordinating, monitoring, regulating, and supervising environmental management in the country.

NEMA also spearheads the development of environmental policies, laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines and guides the government on sound environment management in Uganda. 

Vision, Mission, and Values 

  • NEMA purposes to be an efficient agency that ensures that people in Uganda live in a clean, healthy, productive, and sustainable environment.
  • Its mission is to promote and ensure sound environmental management practices for sustainable development.  
  • NEMA’s Executive Director, Barirega Akankwasah, says they uphold their values very highly.  These include client focus, integrity and transparency, professional motivation and commitment, and innovation and creativity.
  • Other values include engaging in open cross-functional and all participatory decision-making and problem solving, engaging in partnerships and collaborations, and having a passion for sustainable development. 
  • All of these in tandem lead to NEMA’s ultimate goal, which is to promote sound environment management and prudent use of environment and natural resources in Uganda. 

NEMA’s strategic objectives include; 

  • Enhancement of environmental compliance and enforcement
  • Environmental integration at the national and local government level
  • Increasing and enhancing access to environmental information, education, awareness, and public participation
  • strengthening the institutional capacity of NEMA to execute its mandate; and,
  • Creating and enhancing national, regional, and international partnerships and networking for effective environment management and sustainable development.

Key functions of NEMA include:

  • Environmental Monitoring and Assessment: NEMA conducts assessments to monitor the state of the environment and implement policies to address environmental challenges.
  • Regulatory Framework: It develops regulations and guidelines to ensure that environmental laws are enforced and that projects comply with environmental standards.
  • Public Awareness and Education: NEMA works to educate the public about environmental issues and promotes community involvement in environmental conservation.
  • Research and Data Collection: The agency conducts research to gather data on environmental conditions, which informs policy-making and planning.
  • Sustainable Development Promotion: NEMA encourages practices that support sustainable development, balancing economic growth with environmental conservation.


The headquarters of NEMA are located at 17/19/21 Jinja Road in Kampala.  


The 8th Board of Directors for NEMA was inaugurated on May. 31, 2021. The National Environment Act No. 5 of 2019 requires the Board to have one representative from the Ministry of Water and Environment and others who are not public officers. The following are the members of the NEMA Board:

  1. Prof. James Okot-Okumu, Board Chairperson
  2. Barirega Akankwasah, PhD, Executive Director & Board Secretary
  3. Dr. Priscilla Nyadoi, Member
  4. Dr. Charles Ekure, Member
  5. Dr. Florence Grace Adongo, Member
  6. Eng. Katwiremu Yorokamu Bategana, Member
  7. Ms. Christine Mayengo, Member
  8. Mr. Can Amos Lapenga, Member
  9. Mr. Jimmy Chemonges Kuka, Member

Board members hold office for a tenure of three years and are eligible for reappointment for one more term.

Departments and countrywide offices. 

  1. Environmental planning and coordination: The department formulates and reviews environmental policies, strategies, and action plans to guide sustainable development and environmental management in Uganda.
  2. Environmental compliance.  The department is responsible for overseeing the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process, including the review and approval of EIAs for proposed projects.
  3. Enforcement and field operations: The department monitors compliance with environmental regulations and standards, conducts inspections, and enforces environmental laws.
  4. Human resources, finance, and administration: The department offers provision of administrative support to NEMA programs, including human resources management, logistics, equipment, procurement, operations, and maintenance. It also performs the financial management and accounting functions.
  5. Executive Director: The Office of the Executive Director is responsible for the oversight management of the authority; policy guidance; resource mobilisation and accountability; legal advice; monitoring and evaluation; corporate communication; and internal audit. The office also spearheads coordination with the Board, the Ministry of Water and Environment, the Policy Committee on the Environment, Ministries, Departments, and Agencies, donors, the private sector, and civil society organisations.

Regional offices 

NEMA has regional offices around the country: Central Regional Office (Kampala headquarters), Eastern Region Office (Mbale), Western Region Office (Mbarara), Northern Region Office (Lira), West Nile Region Office (Arua), and South Western Region Office in Kabale.  These regional offices serve as local points of contact for NEMA’s activities and regulatory functions within their respective regions.

Frequently Asked Questions; 

Q1: How does one become a registered Environment Impact Assessment (EIA)/ Audit (EA) expert? 

One needs to have at least a bachelor’s degree in environmental studies or a related field.

Those with degrees in related fields are required to further undertake an EIA course from a NEMA-accredited institution. 

Q2: Where can I get information on the cost of various licenses and permits?

The information is available at NEMA and is published under the law and regulations.  

Q3: Are environmental crimes liable to prosecution? 

Violators of any environmental regulation(s) are liable to prosecution, which may result in being fined or imprisoned depending on the violation.

Q4: Which projects require an Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) to be done?

All projects that may have a significant impact on the environment are required to undertake EIA. Such projects include residential, road, and water projects; mixed-use developments; businesses that handle, supply, and sell petroleum products; the installation of incinerators; agricultural activities; tourism and recreational facilities; and mining, among others. 

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