Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development is a Government Ministry with a responsibility to empower communities in diverse areas. The Ministry promotes cultural growth, skills development and labour productivity while promoting gender equality, labour administration, social protection and transformation of communities.
The Ministry came into being by a constitutional requirement of the 1995 Constitution, Chapters 4 and 16 which mandates government to: “empower communities to harness their potential through
Skills development, Labour productivity and cultural growth.” The constitution advocates for protection and promotion of fundamental rights of the poor and other vulnerable groups as well as institutions of traditional or cultural leaders.
It is comprised of the Social Development Sector (SDS) that promotes issues of social protection, gender equality, equity, human rights, culture, decent work conditions and empowerment for different groups such as women, children, the unemployed youth, internally displaced persons, the older persons and persons with disabilities.
The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD) is the lead agency for this sector and is charged with the development and implementation of the Social Development Investment Plan (SDIP) with the mandate to empower communities to harness their potential through cultural growth, skills development and Labour productivity for sustainable and gender responsive development.
To mobilize and empower communities to harness their potential while, protecting the rights of vulnerable population groups. To promote issues of labour productivity and employment, social protection, gender equality & equity, human rights, culture and empowerment. Overall, the Ministry aims to achieve a better standard of living, equity and social cohesion. By and large, the Ministry is responsible for the protection and promotion of the rights of the vulnerable population, addressing gender inequalities, ensuring cultural growth, labour and employment as well as community mobilization and empowerment.
- Promote decent employment opportunities and labour productivity.
- Enhance effective participation of communities in the development process.
- Enhance the resilience and productive capacity of the vulnerable persons for inclusive growth;
- Empower youth to harness their potential and increase self-employment, productivity and competitiveness.
- Promote rights, gender equality & equity and women empowerment in the development process.
- Strengthen the performance of the Social Development Sector (SDS) institutions
- Redress imbalances and promote equal opportunity for all
- The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development is made up of Departments and Directorates which play vital roles in the overall Social Development Sector.
- Social Protection
- Labor, Employment and Occupational
- Safety and Health
- Gender and Community
- Development
Gender and Women Affairs, Family and Culture Affairs, Community Development,
Equity and Rights, Finance and Administration, Youth and Children Affairs
Elderly and Disability,Labour and Industrial, Employment Services, Occupational Health Safety
Rehabilitation Centres,Youth Skills Centres,Alternative Care Facilities, National Library of Uganda, Uganda National Cultural Centre, Industrial Court, National Council for Older Persons, National Children Authority, National Women’s Council
Uganda Women Entrepreneurship Programme, GROW Project, Youth Livelihood Programme, Graduate Volunteer Scheme, Green Jobs, Expanding Social Protection
Addressing GBV in Busoga,NIECD,ICOLEW,NUSAF-3,CBR,Sauti 116,CHESASE
Between 2016 and 2021, the Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development recorded 70% Uganda Women Entrepreneurship Program (UWEP) funds.
According to the ministry, between 2016 and 2021, UWEP financed 13,822 projects worth Shs85.615Bnbenefiting 166,295 women. Out of this, Shs18.67Bn has been recovered out of Shs26.30Bn reflecting 70.81%.
The Youth Livelihood Program registered 53% recovery.
The Ministry argues that as a result of these projects and programs, there is direct and indirect employment created; domestic violence reduced; increase in household incomes; financial inclusion for women improved; confidence level amongst women improved; reduction of dependence syndrome; contribution to import substitution and export promotion is significant and that women are paying taxes among others. Over 80,285 youth have been placed abroad. The majority have got employment in Saudi Arabia and UAE.
The Uganda helpline (UCHL) has been upgraded to effectively handle and report violence against children and GBV. The centre receives an average of 700 calls daily,35 District Action Centres established. 6,505 cases of child abuse received 2,343 cases have been disposed o while 5,162 cases are on-going.
Trained 100 Probation Officers on alternative care, coordination networks and collaboration with other stakeholders as well as construction of Arua and Kabale Remand Homes while the ministry has rehabilitated Kampiringisa National Rehabilitation Centre, Naguru Remand Home, Naguru Reception Centre, Fort Portal Remand Home and Mbale Remand Home,750 Persons with Disabilities trained in the five institutions in vocational skills to enhance their employment opportunities and Shs8.00Bn disbursed to LGs for Special Grant for PWDs, CBR and National Council for Disability over the Manifesto period.
Rolled out SAGE program in all districts benefitting 304,155 older persons of which 121,662 are Males and 182,493 Females. The ministry says National Council for Older Persons is fully operational with a substantive Executive Secretary.
Developed a framework and plans for the protection of child labor; Stakeholders consultation on draft Principles for review of the Employment Act 2006 (Child labour inclusive) conducted, provided livelihood support of families at the risk of or envisaged in child labour and conducted advocacy with the goal of strengthening national and local policies that education and protect children.
Strengthened the framework for labor unions and the workers to co-operate as partners with Government and employers for effective dialogue, Regulation for election of Worker’s representatives to District Councils developed and gazzeted, Developed Guidelines for election of workers’ representative in Parliament and 2,168 statutory equipment examined and certified.
Overwhelming demand for social services across all districts amidst budgetary constraints and insufficient releases,
- Natural Calamities (droughts, disease outbreaks, floods.). Over 40% of the enterprises are in primary production in the Agriculture Sector which is very prone to natural hazard.
- Poor attitude of some sections of the population: Some youth lack positive work ethics, leading to abandonment of some good projects mid-way the implementation period.
- Strong attachment to negative cultural practices in the elimination of Gender Based Violence and Female Genital Mutilation e.g. in the Mount Elgon region.
- Limited staff enforcement to carry out OSH inspections throughout the whole country, Inadequate mechanisms of tracking illegal migrants and the phenomenon of human trafficking.
- Inadequate funding for community development functions to be able to initiate, monitor and supervise government programs and to mobilize communities to fully appreciate, participate and partake of Government programs
- Inadequate enforcement of standards for visual and performing arts to produce marketable products among others.
Between 2021 and 2026, the Ministry pledges to contribute to the realization of the Manifesto in the following key areas; representation of the marginalized groups in decision-making at different levels, support the youth, women, PWD and elderly councils, continue with SAGE and consider lowering the age of beneficiaries from 80 years, fund the operations of the youth and women
Displaying Ministry of Public Service located in Nakasero, Kampala.