The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has introduced an automated system for application and licensing to enhance efficiency and streamline its operations. This transition from traditional paper-based methods to a modern, digitized platform allows stakeholders to submit applications and receive licenses more quickly and easily.

Dr. Barirega Akankwasah(Executive Director of NEMA)

Dr. Barirega Akankwasah, Executive Director of NEMA, stated that the initiative marks the beginning of a new era in efficient environmental licensing. The system, known as the Environment Licensing and Management System (ELMIS), is a web-based platform that manages the issuance of licenses, permits, and certificates. “ELMIS not only provides public access to NEMA’s services online but also offers capabilities for fast-tracking project reviews, providing real-time information for management decisions, and enhancing the overall business environment in Uganda,” Dr. Akankwasah noted. The system supports online applications, payments, and reviews for a variety of services including environmental practitioners’ licenses, project briefs, and terms of reference for Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA). It also handles environmental and social impact assessment reports, environmental audits, and more.

Additionally, ELMIS helps users to report and monitor their complaints or inquiries with NEMA. It provides detailed information on the documentation required for various services, such as the necessary documents for an ESIA application.
While the system was launched on March 1, 2024, and is available at, it will gradually expand to include more services like audit submissions in the future. A user guide is also available on the system’s homepage to assist new users.
Dr. Akankwasah emphasized that henceforth, NEMA will process services only if applications are submitted through the online system. This move is also part of NEMA’s strategy to reduce human interaction and combat corruption within the agency.

About NEMA
The National Environment Management Authority is a government agency responsible for coordinating, monitoring, regulating, and supervising environmental management across Uganda.