National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) was established as the regulator of Higher Education to implement the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act of Parliament (UOTIA, 2001). By the provisions of the Act, NCHE is mandated to guide the establishment of institutions of higher learning as well as ensure the delivery of quality and relevant education to all qualified persons.
A team of experienced administrators led by the Executive Director manages the National Council for Higher Education. The ED is assisted by a Deputy Executive Director (DED) and three Directors for (I) Quality Assurance, (II) ICT, Research and Innovation and (III) Finance, Planning and Administration directorates.
Prof. Mary J.N. Okwakol is the current executive director and is assisted by Rev. Canon Dr. Alex Mugisha Kagume.
NCHE strives to ensure that relevant and sustainable quality higher education is provided at all Higher Educational Institutions in Uganda. Through strategic intervention areas, NCHE is strategically positioned as it pursues its mandate through mandatory functions.
A Uganda with Accessible, Quality and Transformative Higher Education
To regulate Higher Education through setting standards to ensure the provision of relevant quality Higher Education in Uganda
- Independence
- Professionalism
- Integrity
- Accountability
Committees of National Council
Section 20 of the Act, requires the National Council to set up committees to help the Council in carrying out its work. Five committees were set up and these are:
- Accreditation and Quality Assurance Committee
- ICT, Research and Innovation
- Finance and Management Committee
- Disciplinary Committee
- Audit & Risk Management Committee
Functions of the National Council under the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act, 2001 as Amended
To promote and develop the processing and dissemination of information on Higher Education for the benefit of the people.
To advise the Minister on the establishment and accreditation of public and private institutions of Higher Education.
To receive, consider and process applications for –the establishment and accreditation of public and private Tertiary Institutions, private Other Degree Awarding Institutions and private Universities; and the accreditation of the academic and professional programs of those institutions in consultation with Professional Associations and Regulatory Bodies.
To register all institutions of Higher Education established under this Act.
To receive and investigate complaints relating to institutions of Higher Education and take appropriate action.
To monitor, evaluate and regulate institutions of Higher Learning; In co-operation with the relevant government departments, private sector, or the different institutions of Higher Education, to evaluate the overall national manpower requirement and recommend solutions to the requirements.
To ensure minimum standards for courses of study and equating of degrees, diplomas and certificates awarded by the different public and private institutions of Higher Education.
To set and co-ordinate national standards for admission of students to the different institutions of Higher Education to require and ensure that all universities, whether private or public, adhere to minimum criteria set by the National Council for admission to under-graduate and higher degree programs.
To determine the equivalence of all types of academic and professional qualifications of degrees, diplomas and certificates obtained elsewhere with those awarded by Uganda institutions of Higher Education for recognition in Uganda.
To certify that an institution of Higher Education has adequate and accessible physical structures and staff for the courses to be offered by it.
To promote national interests in courses of study and professional qualifications among the different types of institutions of Higher Education.
To ensure that institutions of Higher Education provide adequate facilities and opportunities for carrier guidance and counselling.
To collect, examine and publish information relating to the different institutions of Higher Education.
To generally advise the government on policy and other matters relating to institutions of Higher Education;
Services that (NCHE) provides
- ODel system
Traditional Higher Education Institutions have offered programs under the face-to-face mode of learning where the lecturer physically interacts with learners in the delivery, practicum and discussions. However, because of the increased demand for access, and the need to ensure lifelong learning through opportunities for progression, many Higher Education Institutions globally have opened up opportunities for ODeL to operate as an additional mode of learning.
- E-Services
These include License Accreditation, Program Acceleration, Equation of Qualifications (local), Equation of Qualifications (Politician), and Equation of Qualifications (Foreign)
- Recognition and Equation of Qualifications
You may apply for Recognition and Equation of Qualifications manually or through an online system
- Application Forms.