The Engineers Registration Board (ERB) is a statutory body established through an Act of Parliament, the Engineering Registration Act, Chapter 271 of 1969. The Act was amended by Decree No. 10 of 1977.

Its mission is to regulate and supervise the profession of engineering in Uganda

Engineers Registration Board is located at Gloucester Avenue, Kyambogo at the offices of the Uganda Ministry of Works and Transport at Kyambogo.

Under its mandate, the ERB is authorized to register, de-register, restore registration, suspend registration, hold inquiries, hear appeals and appear as respondents against a case brought against it in the High Court.

It is also mandated to advise the government regarding the engineering sector.

The board is appointed by the Ugandan Minister of Works and Transport in consultation with the Uganda Institute of Professional Engineers (UIPE), the professional body of engineers in the country, who are guaranteed for positions on the board

Engineers Registration Board’s vision is to offer excellent engineering services to society while its mission is to regulate and control engineering professionals and their activities within Uganda and to advise the government on engineering matters.  

ERB committees

ERB has a technical committee headed by Eng. Dr. Harrison Mutikanga. It advises the board on issues like major internal projects, and interaction with other stakeholders. It also assists the board and management stay abreast of new developments in the engineering fraternity.

Other committees include the Financial and Administrative committee, the Disciplinary Committee, the Joint Assessment Committee (JAC), which reviews, examines and evaluates professional engineers’ applications for Corporate Membership at Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers (UIPE).

Others are the Joint Editorial Committee (JEC), which is in charge of publishing the Engineer’s journal. The Engineering Committee on Accreditation (ECA), works with National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) to assess the adequacy and relevance of an engineering programs being offered in universities or other engineering training institutions.  There is also the audit and risk management committee that performs an oversight role.

New Board

Gen. Edward Katumba-Wamala, the Minister for Works and Transport recently appointed new members to the 20th Board of the Engineers Registration Board. They were appointed on August 1, 2024 and will serve for a period of one year.

The board includes Prof. Eng. Henry Alinaitwe (chairman), Dr. Eng. Harrison E. Mutikanga (Vice chairman) and Eng. Ronald Namugera (registrar).

 Others are Eng. Joan Kayanga Mutiibwa (member), Eng. Patricia Achola Ocan (member), Eng. Kenneth Magembe (member), Brig Gen Eng. Besigye Bekunda (member), and Eng. Tutu Cara Tibaleka (member)

Board’s Strategic Plan

As stipulated by the Engineers Registration Act, the ERB board designed and adopted a 5-Year Plan.

Board’s Strategic plan for the period 2020/21 to 2024/25 is a high-level  road map, recognizing the achievements of the Board over the last 50 years, documenting where Engineers Registration Board is (including strengths and weaknesses), casting a vision of what the  aspire to achieve, and prioritizing the key result areas which they need to tackle.

Historically the Board has been focusing mainly on registration of Engineers to practice in the Country but with little emphasis on the role of advising government on engineering matters.

This gap has been addressed in the strategic plan, which   contains strategies that the board shall use to advise government on engineering matters.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why register with ERB?

It is a legal requirement: For one to practice Engineering in Uganda, one needs to register with ERB. ERB Registers only Members of UIPE.

As a member of UIPE you belong to the Engineers’ “Club”. Clubs serve and protect their members.

As a Member you can be called upon to represent Engineers on Government Boards, Commissions, etc. Access to Continuous Professional Development (CDP). Access and Sharing of Information: periodicals, magazine, library facility and on-line resources.

How do I register an engineering company in Uganda?

  • You Download ERA 1 Form from  under REGISTER. Fill it in, giving field of specialization amd attach a corporate membership letter scanned in colored.
  • Attach UIPE Corporate membership certificate, also needed is a career report and certified academic certificates and verification letters (copies scanned in colored) and any other qualifications e.g. Masters. PHD, certificates
  • Attach letters of employment/service contracts, 2 Passport photographs,  Attach Organogram,  Spiral bind and submit Career report in Duplicate (2 Copies)
  • Finally, pay application fees of Ugx.400,000 by Bank or Mobile Money
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